AUDITIONS for Hetty Feather
adapted from Jacqueline Wilson’s book by Emma Reeves
Produced by Green Valley Theatre Company
directed by Christopher Cook

WHEN: Sunday March 16 @ 3:00pm
WHERE: The Gathering Place at St. John’s Lutheran Church 
1719 L Street Sacramento, CA 95811
The Gathering Place is the building located across the small parking lot from the church itself- look for the Green Valley Theatre signage.
Video submissions will NOT be accepted, in-person auditions only.

> Resume, if not submitted online ahead of time
> Headshot, if available (don’t go get one just for this), and if not submitted online ahead of time.
> List of rehearsal conflicts, if not submitted online ahead of time. Please review all pertinent dates. Availability will be a key factor in casting.
> No monologue is required. There will be readings from the script only. Sides will be assigned and distributed at the audition, or can be printed and brought with you for those who submit audition forms at least 24 hours before auditions.
> Appropriate footwear and clothing to allow free movement at the audition. 

Please arrive at the auditions on time to receive specific instructions.
Only auditioners are permitted in the church hall- no guests/observervers.
Auditioners who fill out our online audition form HERE at least 24 hours before auditions will receive sides prior to the audition.
Actors that do not submit their form by that date may still attend and will fill out a form in person and will receive sides at the audition.
We will assign you scene partners for reading- you’ll have a short time to read through the scene with your assigned partner/group before reading for the audition panel (“lukewarm” read rather than cold read).

Begin on Monday March 24.
Locations will vary but may include: Cal Cap Studios Black Box in Rancho Cordova, St. John’s Lutheran Church in downtown Sacramento, and the performance location in Rancho Cordova.
All Rehearsals Sunday-Thursday 7:30pm-10:30pm.
Tech week is Sunday May 4 - Thursday May 8.
Absolutely no conflicts permitted during tech week.

Rancho Cordova- exact location TBA
8pm on May 9, 10, 16, 17, 23, 24, 29 (Thursday), 30, 31
2pm on May 18 & 25, June 1
Absolutely no performance conflicts permitted.

From bestselling author Jacqueline Wilson, the tale of plucky Hetty Feather is brought thrillingly to life on stage by award-winning script writer Emma Reeves. Hetty Feather hates her cruel life at the Foundling Hospital and longs to find her birth mother. Her courage and imagination give the determined little redhead the strength to keep her hopes alive, but when she encounters the glamorous, flame-haired circus performer, Madame Adeline, her dreams become dangerously entangled with the perils that lurk in the real world. This imaginative stage version of the beloved British tale will surprise and delight both fans and newcomers to the story.  

> Only actors 16 and older will be considered for this production.
> Actors of all genders, races, and ethnicities are encouraged to audition.
> Please message or email us if you have any questions about the demands of a particular role.

The production is typically performed by six actors, five of whom portray multiple characters throughout the show, and one of whom portrays only Hetty. We will be casting at least six, and as many as eight actors.

Tracks are:
Matron Bottomly (Head of the Foundling Hospital) and others
Ida (cook at Foundling Hospital) and others
Jem (Hetty's foster brother, Peg's son) and others
Gideon (foundling boy, Hetty's foster brother) and others
Madame Adeline (flame-haired circus star) and others
Peg (Hetty's foster mother) and others
Saul (foundling boy, Hetty's older foster brother) and others

Other roles that will be split among the tracks: Mothers 1-4, Nurses 1-4, Nurse Winnie, Cab Driver, Carrier, Guard, Sam, Eliza, Chino, Circus Performers 1-3, Elephant Handler, Ringmaster, Hercules, Foundling Girls (Sheila, Sarah, Monica, Harriet), Rich Ladies 1&2, Rich Men 1&2, Boys 1-4, Male Teacher, Little Girls 1&2, Barkers 1&2, Sissy, Gentleman, Passers-By, Urchins 1&2, and Bobby.


Is this a musical?
No, but there will be musical elements in the play, including two musicians serving as a live band during the show. The performer playing Hetty has a few solo singing moments and all cast members will sing together as a group several times throughout the show.

Is this a kids show?
While the source material is a young adult book, this is performed by adults and intended for an adult audience, but will be appropriate for all ages.  

The original production includes circus arts- what are the physical demands of your production?
We intend to employ alternative storytelling methods that will include physicality and will be based on the physical abilities of the actors cast.

Are British accents required?
We will be using various British accents in this show, likely including changing accents as appropriate for the character being portrayed. Put your best foot forward at auditions- if attempting an accent will get in the way of showing your best acting, then skip it- it won’t count against you in casting decisions.

Can you provide the full doublings for each track?
Unlike many other stage plays which provide a “suggested doubling” to guide producers & directors in their casting, this script does not include such suggestions.  Consequently, each track will be customized to fit the performer and the needs of our production overall, and will allow us flexibility as to the total number of performers cast.  Each track will likely include roles that span multiple ages, types, and genders.


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